22 Is Daniel’s Final Or Seventieth Week Recorded in the Psalms Based on Creation Week?
In my 18th blog, I thought I could see the final week in the Psalms, but I was wrong. I read the Bible and extrapolate, and, sometimes,...
21. On the Fig Tree
Matthew 24:29 (Christ speaking on the events of the end times) “Immediately after the (great) tribulation of those days, the sun will be...
20. The Chronology of Daniel’s Final or 70th Week -Revisited Again
Most prophecy writing that I have read divide the final week of Daniel- 7 Biblical years of 360 days/year into two equal portions of 1260...
19. REVELATION - Participants And Timing
About 30 years ago, I came to the LORD. I began to read the Bible regularly. One of the things that always puzzled me was where the...
18. The Final Week of Daniel in the Psalms?
I believe the Bible clearly teaches that Christ’s millennium of Revelation 20 is the Sabbath millennium of a Biblical week with each...
17. Psalm 118
Psalm 118 is the last of the Egyptian Hallel Psalms (113 to 118) that are sung at Passover. Hallel means to praise. This is likely the...
Prophecy to the Greek or Western man is prediction and fulfilment. To the Jew, it is pattern. The Jewish sages compiled the 150 psalms...
15. Is the Book of Daniel Open?
Daniel is one of the major books on prophecy in the Bible. Daniel is divided into the first six chapters which are historical and the...
14. The Chronology of the Final or 70th Week of Daniel (Revelation)
Most of the books I have read on Daniel’s final or 70th week relate it will be divided into two equal halves of 1260 days, a multiple of...
In 1776, the Continental Army was defeated at Long Island in August. The 20,000 British and Hessian troops turned the Americans’ flank...